Use our tools below to send a message to your public officials to respect science and science-based policies!
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Presented by March for Science NYC and Earth Day Initiative.
Sample Text:
Disdain for science is killing us. It is fueling epidemics and it is driving climate solutions further and further from reality. I am joining March for Science NYC and Earth Day Initiative in calling on you to commit more strongly to a pro-science agenda and a defense of scientific funding and research, both as an essential foundation of climate progress and as the most effective role we can play in responding to COVID-19. You must stand up for science.
Specifically, that means that you should support:
An economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic with the Green New Deal an effective and economically feasible way to transition to a modern economy. The legislation is grounded in science and justice, putting frontline communities at the forefront of solutions to the climate crisis.
That everyone has healthcare. Recent reports show that “Medicare for all” is not only feasible, but is beneficial to society. A recent study shows that transition to a single-payer, universal healthcare system would likely cut nationwide healthcare costs by 13% and save 68,000 lives.
Guaranteed food and housing security for all. The climate crisis will only deepen issues of wealth inequality in the United States.
We are in a crisis and drastic measures must be taken if we are to maintain or even enhance our quality of life. The time for incrementalism is over.
Thank you.